Monday, August 17, 2020

A Preview Of My Summer Project

A Preview Of My Summer Project So heres a sneak peek at what Ive been working on all summer the new admissions site. I cant wait for this baby to launch! IMAGE #1: the new homepage. It will provide you with the latest 10 blog entries, regardless of author. You will no longer have to check each bloggers box to see if he/she has posted recently. Youll also get streamlined admissions bulletins, deadlines, and faqs. New top navigation will take the guesswork out of whats in each section by providing drop down menus with entire subnav one click from the homepage will take you to any other section of the site. IMAGE #2: Dont worry if you happen to like certain bloggers, you can still bookmark their homepages and go there directly. Blogger homepages will provide a bio, the latest three entries (with descriptions), and also a complete archive at the bottom. No longer will the blogs be separate from the admissions site and pumped in through RSS feeds. Its all one big happy site now (thus the main nav appears on the blogs too!). IMAGE #3: One of my favorite things about the new site is that the blog content is seamlessly integrated with the admissions site informational content. The current site provides you with the official admissions office take on things, but if you want the primary source stuff you need to go dig through all the blogs for it. The new site will automatically pull all blog entries related to a given topic into the left-hand column (see below). This improves usability tremendously no longer will the blogs be a purely linear, chronological experience. Theres lots more to tell, but I have to go play a show at the middle east. Look for the official site launch in early september! (Special thanks to Mollie, who has spent much of her August sitting on my couch and assigning almost 1400 blog entries to the correct topical pages.)

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